Does your dog bark at all hours of the day or night? Or when someone walks by your house? Or maybe when she sees another dog? It may seem impossible to stop a dog from barking. After all, excessive barking is a natural instinct. However, it is possible without cruel methods like dreaded bark collars.
Using simple techniques, you can change your dog’s behaviours so that you and your favourite furry friend can be more relaxed, enjoy being at home together, and help your dog become more comfortable when he’s alone.
It’s important to break down why your dog is barking in the first place and then use best practices to train your dog not to engage in excessive barking.
Training you how to get a dog to stop barking may seem daunting, but it can be done with a little patience and knowledge. This article will go over why your dog barks, how to help your dog relax and how to get your dog to stop barking.
Is Your Dog Reactive?
If you have any experience or knowledge about training, you may have heard of reactivity. But what exactly is reactivity?
Reactivity is a term that refers to your dog overreacting to everyday, normal situations. This could relate to a variety of circumstances, including reaction to a person, another dog, or being alone at home.
My Dog Barks at Everything That Passes By
If you ended up here because he barks at anything and everything that moves, then your dog might be reactive.
Your dog is considered reactive if they act unusually intensely in common situations like meeting other dogs or new people. This can include compulsive barking and other behaviours such as growling, snapping, or lunging toward the person or thing stimulating them.
Dogs who do these things are often labelled protective or aggressive, but more is happening here. These behaviours indicate that your dog is feeling very intense emotions, and naturally, they use their go-to coping mechanism to make them feel better or safer.
Most of the time, this means barking. Understanding reactivity and common triggers is one of the most important steps to solving your dog’s challenging behaviour. You’ll better understand what makes your dog anxious behaviours and how to relieve this anxiety.
How to Stop Dog Barking When Left Alone
My dog starts to bark when I leave the house!
Not only is this negative as it means your dog is upset, but it can also cause you to have angry neighbours! A common reason that dogs bark is separation anxiety.
With everyone's schedules and routines drastically changing in recent years, one overlooked and unexpected way that it has caused problems is in our pets.
Many pets have gotten used to months of working from home, social distancing, and quarantine. A real worry is separation anxiety for dog parents who have to go to work or are thinking about returning to the office.
Change can be scary for dogs. Any change in departure routine, including going back to work, can cause separation anxiety, especially if they have become accustomed to you being home 24/7.
Some dogs handle this fine, while others may have separation anxiety, resulting in barking all day long when they are alone. And barking might not be the only issue. Your dog may have other negative behavioural changes, such as chewing, scratching, and licking.
These behaviours can be problematic both for their own health and your house. Relieving the cause of dogs barking – separation anxiety – instead of just the symptom can help your furry friend be happy and healthy, even when you are away from home.
You can stop your dog from barking when left alone in several ways. Each dog is different, so it may take some trial and error to figure out how to best help your pet adjust to being home alone and stop barking.
Here are some tips to help your dog overcome his anxiety and stop barking when home alone.
Desensitize By Practicing With Your Pup
It’s always a good idea to practice before you head back to work. This can make a huge difference to your dog. This allows your dog to get used to spending the day alone, napping and relaxing instead of barking and pacing.
Check out our 7 steps for getting your dog comfortable being home alone:
- Create a fun and welcoming environment for your dog. This can be his bed, the couch, your bed, a kennel- whatever works for your pup. Practice by taking him to his place and giving him a treat. Do this several times. This step aims to associate his place with happy things like treats, toys, and relaxation.
- Once your dog loves his place, give him a fun chew toy, or a long-lasting chew. Choose something that will take time and hold his attention.
- While your dog is doing this activity, go through some of the routines and habits that he associates with you leaving, such as making coffee, putting on shoes, etc. Do whatever it is you normally do. If he notices and gets anxious, bring him back to his special place and redirect him back to the distractions there.
- After this step, go on a short outing. This is to get your dog used to watching you leave the house. When he is distracted and calm, just casually leave. You aren’t sneaking away- if he notices, that’s okay. Just go sit on the porch or your car. Maybe go for a short walk. You’ll likely hear your dog bark, knowing what your neighbours have had to listen to.
- After about 5 minutes, calmly walk into your house. Ignore your dog. This part is rough, but trying not to give him the attention he wants is important. Give him a few minutes to calm himself down while you take off your shoes and go about your regular routine.
- Once he is calm, give him attention and affection, showing him that calm behaviour means playtime and lots of love.
- Repeat the same technique, leaving for longer periods of time. Go for a nice walk or take a quick trip to the store. Work your way up to a couple of hours at a time. Practice can really help dogs get into the routine of you leaving. This will result in reduced stress and challenging behaviours.
Prepare for Anxiety
If you are already back to work, then there are some behaviours you can adopt that will help reduce your dog's anxiety. Here are 5 tips for preventing separation anxiety in dogs:
- Give yourself a little bit of extra time to give your dog attention in the morning. Take your dog on a walk, do some quick training, or play in the yard. Choose an easy activity to get your dog to release some physical and mental energy.
- Take your dog to his special place and give him something to do. You reinforce that this is a comfortable and safe place and allow him to have fun.
- Regular activity and exercise help reduce boredom and stress. After a long day at work, it may be the last thing you have on your mind, but being active with your dog is important. Walks, training, games, and socialization are all important parts of your dog’s routine. Having consistency in both physical and mental activities can go a long way for your furry friend.
- Use natural chews and raw bones to help manage boredom and stress. Don’t use special treats too often, as they can lose excitement and value to your dog.
- Try calming solutions to help your dog relax. Think outside the box on this one. For instance, hemp oil has dramatically decreased anxiety in dogs.
This and other calming solutions can be used in combination with our other tips to increase your odds of success. Thundershirts are a great hands-off approach for dogs that suffer from separation anxiety.
Doggy Extra-Curriculars
The tips above should help your dog transition back to her new normal. However, if your dog’s behaviour is causing your neighbours to complain, then you should look into other ways to help break up your dog’s day and release energy. Here are a few options:
Doggy Daycare
If you work long days and your dog is particularly destructive when home alone, consider enrolling your pooch in doggy daycare a few days a week. It will burn some energy, reduce anxiety, and make sure your dog spends less time alone.
Dog Sitters
Some dogs just don't play well with others, so if they require a solo dog experience, then a dog babysitter, like a friend or family member, who can come back in and hang out with your dog, can significantly reduce anxiety and stop disruptive behaviours.
Dog Walker
Not all dogs need constant supervision. Instead, your dog will be fine with a mid-day walk to break up the day. Hiring a professional dog walker allows your dog to play and exercise, use the bathroom, and get some social interaction.
Ask a Neighbour
Sometimes the solution to your dog annoying your neighbours is to ask your neighbours for a hand. Having a neighbour pop in once or twice for a few minutes daily can be just what your dog needs to avoid feeling abandoned. They can let your dog out for a quick potty break and maybe a snack.
Lunch Break Visits
Depending on your job, you may be able to stop home for your lunch break to let your dog out and give them some attention. You can train and play for a few minutes to help your dog relax and settle down for a nice mid-day nap.
Depending on the severity of your dog's behaviour when home alone, training out bad habits like excessive barking can take several amounts of time. Remember that barking is the symptom, not the cause, so your dog will need a unique training system that works for both you and them.
Stop Your Dog From Barking at Night
Another problematic behaviour that many dog parents report is whining and barking, which keeps you awake at night. This is one of the most common behaviours reported.
Dogs barking at night can be really challenging. Everyone needs a good night’s sleep, including you and your neighbours!
There’s a reason your dog barks at night, and it often boils down to dogs being very smart! Without realizing it, your dog has learned that whining and barking will get your attention, whether you’re wide awake or in a deep slumber.
This can be a tough habit to break, but it is indeed breakable. The solution may tug at your heartstrings at first, though. You have to convince your dog that whining and barking will not get their attention.
Breaking the Habit
This means you have to ignore the problem. The key is to not respond. Don’t call out soothing words, go to your dog, or let them out of their confined space. When your dog is not rewarded with attention for whining and barking, they will have no reason to whine and bark.
This can be very difficult, and be warned: the behaviour usually gets worse before it gets better due to a phenomenon called “extinction burst.” This is because your dog desperately tries to use a strategy that previously worked.
However, when your dog sees that you will be consistent and not give her attention when she barks, she will eventually realize her plan is defective and give up the behaviour.
This process can be pretty difficult. You want what’s best for your dog, and it may seem cruel to let them keep barking without giving them any attention. However, this is really the only best way to stop dog barking.
Like any behavioural change that benefits your dog, it will get better. A few days of difficulty letting your dog bark it out will be worth it when it becomes less stressed at night and goes to sleep.
This is healthier for her, and the reduced barking is healthier for you, too! This lets you get a good night’s sleep, so you can be a better you – including a better dog owner.
To help your dog transition, make sure she is as comfortable as possible before you all settle in for the night. Try playing quiet, calming music, or provide your pup with a relaxing collar or diffuser.
How to Stop Dog Barking at People
Whether you have company or are trying to enjoy time with your pup at the park, having a dog that always barks at people can be disconcerting. You may be wondering how to stop dog barking when left alone with neighbours or other people that you come back into contact with. The good news is that it certainly is possible to stop your dog from barking at people.
It’s important to first understand why dogs bark at people in the first place. There are several reasons why dogs do this, including:
- Territorial Barking. If your dog barks when a new dog or stranger approaches your yard or home and has a stiff body while doing so, they are trying to protect their territory. Many dogs do this when someone comes to the front door or even walks too close to your property.
Territorial barking means that your dog views this stranger as a threat to both themselves and their people. Unless you have a dog specifically for the purpose of guarding, this can be a threat to a stranger and create disturbances for your family and neighbours. - Little Experience with Human Interaction. Many dogs that don't have a lot of attention or human interaction may bark at people since they are not accustomed to socialization or don’t trust other humans very much. This is especially seen among dogs who are rescued.
Furthermore, a traumatic experience with previous humans can make it difficult for dogs to trust new ones. Barking in this situation is usually due to overwhelming anxiety and fear. - Excitement. This is one of the main reasons that dogs bark at strangers. This type of barking typically is not a threat and indicates that they are excited and happy. It can mean your dog is a real people lover. However, this can often make guests and strangers weary and even cause fear since they can’t tell the difference between a friendly and unfriendly bark.
- Territorial Barking. If your dog barks when a new dog or stranger approaches your yard or home and has a stiff body while doing so, they are trying to protect their territory. Many dogs do this when someone comes to the front door or even walks too close to your property.
Regardless of why your dog is barking, it is possible to train your dog not to bark at people. However, this won’t happen overnight. It’s important to determine what kind of training you want to do, to remain patient, and to have consistency in your training techniques.
Here are some of the best ways to stop your how to stop a dog from barking at people.
The Quiet Method
The quiet method means using a muzzle on your dog during training. You should consider getting a durable protective dog muzzle that allows your dog to eat, drink, and pant comfortably.
The muzzle provides extra protection just in case your dog feels backed into a corner and reacts. As a stranger approaches, constantly reward your dog with very small treats, one after another.
If your dog barks, ask them to sit and use a verbal command like "no" or "quiet." Don’t shout or yank your dog away by the spray collars; this will only raise tensions, and your goal is to calm your pet.
If they stay quiet, reward them with several small treats, one after the other. If they begin barking again, repeat the process, rewarding them each time they stop barking.
As you continue, gradually increase the time between treats. In time, your dog will associate the rewards with strangers and become less fearful. Then you can start working on appropriate introductions.
Distraction Method
This method is as simple as it sounds. Distracting your dog is one of the best ways to stop barking. Once the dog is redirected and you have gained their attention, give them a command, such as sit, and reward them when they listen.
Your dog will start to learn that obeying commands means they get rewards while barking at strangers does not. This will help your dog alter her behaviour.
There are several methods for distracting your dog, depending on the circumstances. If you are at home, then a great trick is to train your dog to get a toy whenever a stranger enters your home. Do this by grabbing a toy and offering it to your dog as soon as they notice the new person.
Toys can be helpful when you are out on walks, but treats are likely a more enticing offer. Stop walking and get your dog's attention. Turning your dog and walking away or to the side is often better for keeping his attention. Keep their focus until the person has passed or is out of range.
Dog parks are one of the hardest places to get your dog's attention, so a dog whistle might be the most effective way to break your dog's focus and redirect him to you.
Preventative Measures
It’s important to take preventative measures to make sure that your dog doesn’t engage with strangers until you’re ready. When your dog is inside, and you aren’t home, keep curtains and blinds closed so they are unaware of strangers walking past or into your yard.
Stick to quieter walking paths and parks if you know your dog gets overstimulated or fearful. After more practice and training, you may be able to upgrade to more congested areas with more foot traffic.
Make sure you always have the right gear to control your dog too. A sturdy collar, leash, or harness for bigger or stronger breeds will help. Muzzles may not seem nice, but could greatly help a crisis.
Have treats or toys handy, whether you are at home or not, to help distract, redirect, or reward your pet.
Provide a Safe Space
We’ve already discussed the benefits of your dog's special spot. The best way to help prevent excited barking when someone visits is to put your dog in his special spot and stay there when welcoming someone.
To start this training with your pup, make sure that your dog is already acclimated to his spot and can obey basic commands like sitting, staying, and lying down. Start by telling your dog to go to her spot and give her a treat once she’s there. Do this several times.
Once they understand the concept, practice sending them to their spot from different areas of the home. Reward your dog with positive reinforcement, such as giving her treats, in order to help her keep up the expected behaviour.
If your dog finds this space comfortable and safe, then they are more likely to go there to self-soothe when they are anxious about new people coming over.
Rewarding The Right Behaviour
The best way to acclimate your dog is to increase his human socialization - after he can master basic commands. Try inviting different people to your house at different times, asking them to provide treats and being very affectionate.
Your dog will realize that he will be rewarded by new people with lots of treats and love. Do the same when taking your dog on a walk, including places with which your dog is familiar.
Is Your Dog Barking At Other Dogs?
There are several reasons why dogs may become reactive to other dogs. One of these reasons is that your dog may be fearful of other dogs due to limited experience or a past negative experience.
As a result, the fearful dog may be reactive and bark and lunge toward other dogs. This is stressful for your dog, you, and the other dog.
Another reason your dog bark at other dogs is that they are frustrated. This might be due to the fact that they usually get to meet every dog they see, and now they can’t.
They may just be excited, want to say hello, and desperately desire to get closer to play or get to know the other dog. When they’re unable to pay a visit to the other dog, they may bark, refuse to listen, and cause the other dog to be fearful.
It is, of course, quite possible that your dog is a combination of these things and is both fearful and frustrated. This unpleasant mixture of conflicting feelings can really make your dog anxious, and their anxiety will cause him to bark excessively.
You can help your dog stop barking at other dogs in a few ways. Like the other issues with dogs barking, the process can be frustrating but is certainly possible with patience and consistency.
Understand Your Dog's Triggers
It’s important to understand your dog’s triggers. What makes her reactive? How close must your dog be before she starts barking and lunging? It may even be that particular sizes, breeds, and genders of dogs make your dog react more intensely.
Other times, it could be particular places or times of day that trigger your dog. Understanding what makes your dog bark can help you figure out how to stop this behaviour.
Train with Limited Distractions
While you’re working on reducing your dog barking at other dogs, you should try to reduce exposure. At this point in training, socializing your dog by letting them meet more dogs won’t help.
Walk or play at quieter times and places to avoid coming into very close contact with other dogs. If you see a dog when you’re out, move out of view and create as much space as possible to help your dog remain calm. Work on this for a few weeks to help your pup get used to seeing dogs in a quieter space without close contact.
Keep Your Dog Active Both Mentally and Physically
Enrichment is an important part of helping your dog relax. Just like your dog needs physical stimulation, she also needs mental stimulation to help them manage their emotions and calm down. Enrichment is like exercise for your dog’s brain.
You can do many things that are considered an environment for your pup. Things that soothe your dog and provide mental stimulation, like products that allow chewing and licking, are incredibly effective.
Bullysticks or other natural chews are good for quiet mental stimulation when your dog needs some downtime. Dog puzzle toys are also a great way to encourage your dog to try these naturally calming behaviours.
Games like scattering dog food in the garden, doggie puzzles, or hiding a bone in a blanket are great ways to give your dog enrichment and prevent dog boredom. Frequent enrichment, just like frequent exercise, helps your dog learn self-soothing techniques and keeps her sharp.
These are particularly helpful for an overall balanced, healthy, and happy life, but also emotional regulation, which reduces reactivity.
Training Takes Time
Now that you’re ready to train your dog not to bark, take along your dog’s favourite treats with you when you walk to reward them when they see a dog. When they look at a dog, give them a treat before barking. This doesn't train dogs not to bark at others, but it does teach your dog to associate the sight of another dog with a positive experience instead of fear or anxiety.
This problem relies on your changing your dog’s feelings, which is the root of the problem. This method works so much better since you aren’t just addressing the symptoms of a barking dog.
Should You Use Bark Collars to Stop Dog Barking?
A bark control spray collar is one of the most common tools to stop dog barking. Even though it may seem like an easy fix and effective solution, this type of device is rarely used correctly and often does not offer positive long-term results.
While it may stop dark barking in the short term, there are long-term effects. Using a corrective device like a bark collar doesn’t address the underlying problems. It’s like putting a bandaid on a huge wound. It addresses the symptom instead of the actual problem, and this can have a very negative effect on your pup.
Many dog bark collars work by giving the dog a negative consequence of barking. This is invasive for the dog. If your dog stops barking because of fear of being sprayed or shocked, he will simply express his anxiety in other ways. This may include chewing, eating toxic items, self-soothing by over-grooming and more.
Plus, many believe it is inhumane. Barking is largely how dogs communicate, and while it can be problematic, you can eliminate that need for frequent barking, i.e. communication, by solving the problem at hand – your dog’s anxiety, fear or frustration.
Learn more about Force Free Dog Training from a local expert to help you find effective and lasting methods for correcting your dog's behavioural issues.
When the Going Gets Ruff!
The best way to help your dog is by trying different ways to reduce his or her anxiety and training your dog to react differently. If your dog has persistent anxiety that isn’t solved with the techniques discussed in this article or the top-rated products to help your dog relax, it may be time to see a dog trainer, vet, or animal behaviourist.
Many of us wonder: “How to stop my dog from barking,” Don’t worry; you are not alone! We all want our dogs to be the most loving, well-behaved dogs, and there is more to incorporate into their lives to prevent barking at strangers than just training methods.
Another note to keep in mind to train dogs not to bark is to ensure your dog is exercised and has enough toys and activities to wear out during the day, as it will prevent barking out of boredom.
And, of course, if any of these methods are not successful or your dog exhibits aggressive behaviour, a professional dog trainer is always a viable option!
Dog Barking FAQs
Which dogs bark the most?
While breed isn't the only factor, there are some dog breeds that are more prone to nuisance barking, howling, whining, and just making noise in general. Beagles, huskies, and French bulldogs are among some of the noisier breeds.
What does it mean when a dog barks a lot?
Dog barking can be caused by a lot of things. Anxiety, fear, boredom, and certain territorial behaviours can all lead your dog to bark incessantly.
Should I be worried if my dog is barking?
Your dog can use barking to alert you to many things, including intruders, danger, fear, pain, and even boredom. If your dog starts barking unusually or in abnormal situations, it's a good idea to take note of your surroundings and call your vet if the barking persists.
What does attention-seeking barking sound like?
Dogs that are barking to get attention tend to use a high-pitched and sharp barking sound. This barking is often done while looking at you.
How long is it ok for a dog to bark?
Barking is a natural behaviour in dogs, but excessive or nuisance barking can test your limits. Most barking should be done in short bursts. Barking for several minutes at a time or more could indicate a problem.
When should you ignore barking?
Attention-seeking barking should be ignored unless it becomes a problem. Ignoring this kind of barking will help to discourage the behaviour.