10 Tips for Keeping Your Dog Away From Your Christmas Tree

8 Minute Read
Updated November 14, 2024

All pet owners fear the day that their carefully decorated Christmas tree is bulldozed by a curious pet. The good news is, you can have a dog and have nice things. Check out these simple tips on how to keep a dog away from the Christmas tree this year.

You spend hours decorating for the holidays, or worse, you forgo decoration entirely because of a playful but mischievous pupper. Good news! We can help you take back your festive decorating passions and keep your pet out of harm’s way.


10 Tips for Keeping Your Dog and Your Christmas Tree Safe

The last this you want to do is spend your time and effort setting up a beautiful Christmas tree only to have it ruined by a curious pup. The last thing you want is to find your cat or dog in the Christmas tree, peeing on the Christmas tree, eating the Christmas tree, or even catching your dog drinking Christmas tree water.

These are just a few common fears that we pet owners have when mixing our pets with the holidays. Your dog might seem like a Grinch, but they’re just exploring your festive display in the only way they know how.

Don’t get mad; get smart with these creative dog Christmas trees and pet-proofing pointers. We can help you put together a dog-proof Christmas tree to keep your dog safe and your holiday centrepiece intact.



1. Build a Wall

Use gates, exercise pens, or even larger presents to wall off your tree.

One of the easiest solutions for how to keep your dog away from your Christmas tree is to use an exercise pen, a baby gate, or anything else fence-like. This Christmas tree dog fence will keep your pets from climbing up, bumping into, and getting underneath your tree.

It may not be the most visually appealing solution, but it may be the safest for nosey pets.

For smaller dogs, you may even get away with making a wall out of heavier or larger presents. Make sure that the gifts are not filled with food products or anything your dog may want to open early.


2. Tree in Shining Armour

Make a Tinfoil tree skirt to deter pets.

Aluminum foil is a universally hated texture and sound to dogs and cats and can be an excellent tool to keep dogs away from the Christmas tree. Make yourself a tin foil tree skirt or an aluminum "moat" to protect your tree. This could help to deter your pets from venturing too close to the tree.

The sound may also make a good alarm system for those pets brave enough to walk across it. Make sure that your dog isn’t trying to nibble on Tinfoil. It could damage their mouths and should never be ingested.


3.  Durable Decorations

Avoid using fragile decorations and food items to reduce temptations.


Some decorations are more pet-safe than others. Avoid fragile pet Christmas tree decorations that can be hazardous to your pet. Glass and ceramic ornaments will likely shatter if they hit the floor, so opt for plastic instead.

Edible decorations can also be an issue. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats, as are many artificial sweeteners in candy. This means no candy canes, either.

Popcorn garlands are another popular Christmas tradition. It may look cute, but using any kind of food on your tree will only encourage your pet to explore. It’s best to avoid them all.

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4. Fortify your Tree Base

Weigh down your base to prevent your tree from tipping.

To prevent your tree from tipping, if your pet or kids were to climb or push on it, make sure that you have a sturdy foundation to keep your tree standing. Most tree bases aren’t designed to fend off pet attacks, so weighing down your base will make it more secure.

Add weight over the legs of the tree stand and cover it with your tree skirt or tinfoil.

Fake trees are less sturdy than real trees, so a heavy base may not be enough to keep it vertical. This next step can help with that.


5. Drop Anchor

Anchor your tree to the walls or ceiling for extra support.

This may take some MacGyvering, but you can use a fishing line, chain, or wire to secure your tree to the wall or ceiling. We recommend two points of contact if you are anchoring to the wall.

This type of home renovation may not be for everyone, but it may be the price you have to pay to have your Christmas tree last the season.


6. Pet-Proof your Ornaments

Use twist ties or string to firmly secure your decorations to your tree.


Ensure your ornaments can’t be knocked off your tree by securing them with twist ties, zip ties or string.

This won’t guarantee that your pup won’t go after them, but they are much less likely to get taken out by a drive-by tail swipe if securely fastened to the tree.


7. Hide Your Cords, Hide your Wires, They’re Chewing Everything

Tape down cords to prevent electrocution risks.

The cords from your lights, tree, and power bars should be tucked away and hidden. Many small cords can simply be tucked in between the carpet and the baseboards.

For those that can’t, use tape to prevent the cords from being chewed or tripped on. Try to cover them with your tree skirt to remove the temptation of your curious pet.

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8. Real Trees = Real Danger

Needles from real trees can be dangerous. Consider a fake tree instead.

Having a real Christmas tree may not be as popular as it once was. However, tradition is still important to many. We’re not saying don’t, but you will need to be more vigilant.

Fallen needles must be cleaned up frequently to prevent your dog from getting injured. If your pet were to start munching on the pointy needle, they could harm their mouth or digestive system.

Another risk with real trees is that you may catch your dog drinking water from the base of the Christmas tree. Christmas trees could be treated with fertilizers and pesticides so the water in the base could collect these toxic chemicals. It's best to prevent access to the water under the tree with a cover, like a tree skirt.


9. Make It Taste Bad

Use a pet deterrent spray, or try dabbing hot sauce near the base of your tree.


Deterrent sprays for pets may be effective for discouraging your pet from getting too close to the tree. Most taste extremely bitter, so your pet only needs one lick to realize how awful it is.

Cats may not be as easily swayed by the bitterness, so something with a stronger smell may be needed. Natural options like orange peels or hot sauce can be more effective.

Be cautious not to put hot sauce in areas where you, your family, or your pet can accidentally get it in their eyes. It's best used at floor level. If you are nervous about that one, stick to the orange peels. 


10. Set a Trap

Set a trap with bells to alert you when the tree is approached.

Catch your pet in the act with a Home Alone-style trap. Set up some bells on a string around the bottom of your tree to let you know when your precocious pet is stirring up trouble.

This will allow you to stop them before they get hurt, take them to another area of the house, or provide a more appropriate activity.


Christmas Can be Fun and Safe!

Pet-proofing your Christmas decorations may take a little extra work, but it's worth it to be able to enjoy the holiday season without risking your pet's safety. 

Pets are family, so don't be afraid to share your holiday cheer with them. They may need some extra support and supervision, but they can participate in the festivities, too!

Looking for some great pet gifts to put under your Christmas tree? Check out these lists of our favourite dog and cat Christmas gifts:


Frequently Asked Pet Holiday Questions

Why is it important to keep my dog away from the Christmas tree?

Dogs may be tempted to chew on or knock down the tree, leading to safety hazards and damage.

How can I physically prevent my dog from reaching the tree?

Use baby gates or playpens to create a barrier around the tree, or place the tree in a room that can be closed off when you're not around.

What types of ornaments should I avoid using on the tree?

Avoid using ornaments that are fragile, edible, or have small parts that could be a choking hazard for your dog.

Can I use pet-friendly decorations on the tree?

Yes, consider using dog-safe decorations like unbreakable ornaments, non-toxic garlands, and pet-themed ornaments.

Are there any tree decorations that are harmful to dogs?

Tinsel and artificial snow can be harmful if ingested, so avoiding using them on your tree is best.

How can I stop my dog from chewing on the tree or ornaments?

You can use bitter deterrent spray on the tree's lower branches and provide plenty of dog-appropriate chew toys and treats.


Written by

Krystn Janisse

Krystn is a passionate pet nutrition enthusiast. She has worked in the pet industry for over a decade and loves to share her passion for animal welfare with others. She is currently working for one very rebellious cat, Jack, and hanging out with a goofy but loveable doggo named Roxy.


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