How Long Can Dogs Hold Their Pee? How Long Can Puppy Hold Pee?

12 Minute Read
Updated April 2, 2022

If you work long or inconsistent hours you may worry about how long you have to leave your dog home alone. How long can dogs hold their pee? Are you going to come home to an “accident”? Let's take a look at some of the factors that can help you make the best and safest choices for your pooch. 

How Long Can Dogs Hold Their Pee?

The topic of bathroom needs comes up often when we talk about the suitable amount of time that our pets can be left home alone. So, How long can dogs hold their pee? Dogs are typically capable of holding their bladder control for long periods of time, but it’s important to know how long is too long.

We don't always consider how long we are asking our dogs to hold it. If you frequently deal with "accidents" in the house, or even if you've never had a problem, this article will help you fully understand your dog's bathroom needs and help you make the best choices to support their urinary health. 

 How long dogs can hold their pee depends on a few factors:

    • Age
    • Size
    • Health
    • Diet

Make sure that you understand your dog's bathroom needs, and create routines that prevent him from having to hold it for too long. Keep in mind:


Happy puppy at summer sunny day looking to his owner (1)

Age is the most well-known variable in how long your dog can wait between bathroom breaks. Younger dogs, especially puppies who aren’t fully potty trained, won’t be able to hold their pee for as long as most adult dogs. This is partly due to their undersized and underdeveloped bladders and urinary tract systems.

It’s more than just holding capacity too. The muscle that contracts dog to hold and release the dog bladder takes time to develop. Therefore, some puppies need bathroom breaks more frequently than others. Part of potty training your dog is helping them build these muscles and learn how to control their bladder.

Senior dogs may also start to lose that muscle control as they age. Weakening of the muscles, inflammation and mobility limitations, and even kidney and liver function can contribute to more frequent bathroom needs.

Here’s a quick chart to help you determine approximately how often your dog will need to pee in different age groups:

Puppy (<6 months)  = 1-3 hours
Puppy (>6 month)  = 2-6 hours
Adult (<7 years)  = 6-8 hours
Senior (>7 years)  = 4-6 hours
Senior (>12 years)  = 2-4 hours


These estimates are a good starting point but may not be accurate for every dog. A young dog can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if needed, but that doesn’t mean that they should. The average adult dog should be allowed to relieve itself at least 3-5 times per day. That's at least once every 8 hours.



small dog big dog-1

The body size of your pet is also an important factor. A small or toy breed dog has a very tiny dog bladder compared to a larger dog. This doesn’t mean that all larger dogs have the capacity to hold their pee longer, but it could contribute to potty training and house-training success. How long can dogs hold their pee?

It's estimated how often dogs pee - approximately 10-20 ml per pound of body weight. So a 5 lbs dog will pee between 1.7 and 3.5 oz per day. That's not a lot, but how much can their tiny dog bladders hold? Half an ounce? An ounce at best? 

Every dog is different, and their bathroom habits are unique too. Our guidelines are general estimates, but your dog may fall well below or even exceed these averages. Make sure you make a bathroom schedule that best suits your pup. 



Many pet health conditions can contribute to more frequent urination. Urinary tract issues, kidney stone problems, diabetes, and even weight problems can be a factor.

Medications play a role as well. Some medications can have a diuretic effect, meaning it encourages more frequent urination.

If you have concerns that your pet is peeing more frequently than normal, it’s important to talk to your vet. It could be a symptom of a health issue that needs to be addressed. 



how long can a puppy hold their pee

The type of food you feed plays an important role in your urinary health issues. Moisture-rich foods, like raw and wet dog food, can increase the amount and frequency of their pee. Hydration is good.

Even though your dog may need to pee a bit more often, moisture-rich diets aid in digestion and can flush out toxins and bacteria that build up in their body. Dogs who eat a strictly dry diet, like kibble, may pee less, but that doesn’t mean they are healthier. 

Just like in humans, the colour of their pee can indicate dehydration. Dark yellow pee is not a good sign. If you notice your dogs' urine is very dark, it’s time to increase their moisture levels with water intake, broth, wet food, or even raw bones.


The Importance of a Bathroom Routine

We mentioned earlier that young dog can hold their pee for quite a while. On average, dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if they have to. If the need arises and your pet will be home alone for that long, most young dogs will manage, but asking them to do this on a regular basis may have some negative consequences.

Forcing your dog to hold his dog bladder for too long on a regular basis can increase the risk of:

    • Urinary tract infections – part of the urination cycle is to help the body flush out bacteria and toxins that build up in the kidney, bladder, and urethra. Holding their pee allows that bacteria to continue populating in the urinary tract. This can lead to crystal or stone formation and blockages that can quickly become life-threatening. Try a urinary support product like Cranimals for dogs prone to urinary issues to help reduce bacteria buildup.
    • Urinary cancer – carcinogens in urine will have more opportunity to interact with cells the longer they are in contact with the bladder. This is a less common issue but should still be considered when deciding how long your pet must wait for a pee break.
    • Incontinence – It's more common in ageing pets, but incontinence can happen to dogs at any age. When dogs are repeatedly made to hold their pee for too long, over-distention of the bladder can occur and damage the muscle and surrounding tissues leading to leaks. This damage may be irreversible, so prevention is key. 

If your dog is experiencing any issues when it comes to bathroom needs, then you need to contact your vet immediately. Not peeing, straining to pee, peeing way too often, leaking, and blood in the urine are all common signs of a much bigger issue.

Potty Training Issues

If your dog is having accidents in the house consistently, then you may need to consider why. The first thing you should do is connect with your vet to rule out a medical issue. If your dog is healthy, the problem could be behavioural. 

Excitement Peeing

how long can my puppy hold his bladder

For puppies, and even young adult dogs, excitement peeing is common. This is commonly referred to as puppy piddles. How long should I walk my dog in the door, does your dog immediately pee? It doesn't always mean that he just can't hold it any longer. It likely means that he is overwhelmed by the excitement of seeing you. How many times should a dog pee a day?

You can un-train this behaviour by simply ignoring your dog until he is calm enough to reward it with attention. This will take time, patience, and consistency. Fortunately, many younger dogs outgrow these peeing habits on their own. 


how long can a puppy hold his bladder

Territory marking is another reason your dog may have accidents in the house. It's most common in un-neutered males, but fixed dogs of both genders can have this bad habit. 

The psychology of territory marking is rooted in their natural instincts. It's a game of control. This habit often forms when a new pet or person is introduced into the home, making your dog feel that his position in the hierarchy is threatened. 

Marking behaviours from intact dogs can usually be solved by getting them fixed. Talk to your vet about whether spaying or neutering your pet is the best option. 

Fixed dogs that mark typically do so out of anxiety. Keeping your pet stimulated, both mentally and physically, will relieve stress, anxiety, and fear. Anxiety relief products, such as the Thundershirt, can also be a helpful tool when managing marking behaviours. Check out the link below for more information on this great product. 

Shop All Calming Aids for Dogs


Balancing Life and Your Dog Needs

If your work schedule requires your dog to be home alone for 8+ hours per day, then there are options for looking after your dog’s urinary health issues. Choose the options that best suit your dog's needs.

  1. Pee pads are especially helpful for young puppies and dogs that are kennel-trained.
  2. Indoor bathroom – For free-roaming dogs, an indoor potty training system can allow your dog to relieve themselves whenever they need to. Like a litter box for dogs. Which, by the way, also exists. 
  3. Doggy door – Consider installing a doggy door if you have a secure, fenced backyard. Your dog can come and go as he pleases, and you can stop worrying about leaving him alone with no bathroom break. 
  4. Dog sitter/Dog walker – Having a professional come in the middle of the day to check on and walk your dog is a great way to manage their bathroom schedule and prevent destructive behaviours from boredom.
  5. Doggy Daycare – If your dog needs constant attention or can’t be trusted at home alone, then doggy daycare is the way to go. This fun and engaging environment will allow him to run and play all day while being supervised by trained professionals.
  6. Lunch break check-up – This option is only great for those who live close to where they work. If you can, try to duck home on your lunch break for a quick hangout with your pooch. You can manage his bathroom needs and give him some extra attention and exercise to break up his day. 
  7. Bring your dog to work – of course, this isn’t feasible for most, but if you can, bring your dog to work with you. This is the best of both worlds for anyone lucky enough to have this option. Your dog doesn't have to be home alone; you get to hang out with the coolest co-worker ever. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long can an adult dog hold its pee?

Adult dogs can generally hold their pee for about 6 to 8 hours. With practice, dogs can hold their pee longer, but doing so is not good for their urinary health.

Can puppies hold their pee as long as adult dogs?

No, puppies have smaller bladders and less control, so they typically need to pee more frequently, often every 2 to 4 hours.

Are there breed-specific differences in how long dogs can hold their pee?

Yes, some small breeds may need more frequent bathroom breaks compared to larger breeds, who can hold it longer.

How can I extend the time my dog can hold its pee?

You can gradually increase the time between bathroom breaks through training, but it's important not to make them wait too long, as it can lead to discomfort or accidents.

What are signs that my dog needs to pee urgently?

Signs include restlessness, pacing, whining, sniffing the ground, circling, or scratching at the door.

Should I limit water intake to help my dog hold its pee longer?

No, providing access to fresh water is essential, and limiting it can lead to dehydration. Instead, focus on regular bathroom breaks and proper training.

Written by

Krystn Janisse

Krystn is a passionate pet nutrition enthusiast. She has worked in the pet industry for over a decade and loves to share her passion for animal welfare with others. She is currently working for one very rebellious cat, Jack, and hanging out with a goofy but loveable doggo named Roxy.


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