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Dog Car Safety: How to Road Trip with Dogs

Written by Krystn Janisse | May 30, 2024 6:44:34 PM

Do dogs make good travelling companions? If you are planning a cross-country road trip with your pooch, then take a look at our simple dog road trip tips and a list of the must-have supplies to make your journey safe and comfortable while travelling with pets.

Whether you are going on vacation or moving with pets cross country, road trips with your pooch in tow don't have to be stressful. There are a number of hazards and risks of having your dog in the car, but you can take precautions that will keep both you and your dog safe, and make the whole road trip a more pleasant experience.

Taking your dog with you on your next road trip is a lot easier and safer if you have the right supplies. From car seats and harnesses to the best road trip dog snacks, you'll find the right recommendations for travelling with pets in Canada.


The Importance of Car Safety for Dogs

You've probably taken your dog on a car ride or two already; a quick trip to the vet or maybe a drive to the dog park. Whether your dog is well-behaved in the car, a nervous wreck, or an excited ball of energy, letting them freely roam around the car may be more dangerous than you think.

Of course, you want your dog to be comfortable in the car, but driving with your dog unsecured is just as much of a hazard to you as it is to them. According to a survey done by Kurgo:

"Sixty-five percent of dog owners admit to engaging in at least one potentially distracting activity while driving with their dog."

It could be as simple as a quick pat on the head or handing them a treat. The most common distraction while driving with your pet is trying to keep your dog from climbing into the front seat. These small distractions can quickly lead to a dangerous situation. 

Additionally, your dog could become a serious safety hazard to you and other passengers in the event of a crash. An unsecured dog could be thrown around the car if you do get into an accident or have to slam on your breaks. According to Canadadrives.ca:

"In the event of a high speed crash, even the smallest dog can generate up to 500 pounds of projectile force. A bigger dog, like a husky, could become a 2,400-pound projectile!"

Though it may seem totally harmless to have your dog sit in the front seat while you drive, you can never predict when an accident or sudden stop could happen. It's better to be safe than sorry by offering your dog the same protections and safety that you take for yourself when in a moving vehicle.

Keep reading for more tips on dog car safety and some dog road trip best practices to make even the longest cross-country road trips with dogs more comfortable for everyone.


Dos and Don'ts for Travelling with Pets

You may be excited to travel with your doggy companion, but there are a few steps you should take before you hit the road.

Compared to other methods of travel, like flying with dogs or travelling with pets by train, a road trip with dog sidekicks is usually a less stressful travel experience. Even though it may take longer to get there, travelling with pets by car offers them more freedom of movement, a much better view, and the comfort of your dog being able to see and interact with you.

That being said, car travel has risks, and it's important to take the proper precautions to keep your dog comfortable and safe on your dog-friendly road trip. Here are some important dos and don'ts of dog car rides.

  Do Secure Your Dog in Moving Vehicles

One of your first thoughts before hitting the open road is to consider the safest way for dogs to travel in cars, and more importantly, the safest place for a dog to ride in the car. Dogs do not belong in the front seat. Like kids, airbags are extremely dangerous, and potentially lethal for dogs. Keeping your pet secured in the back seat will be much safer for them and you.

Your dog would probably love to run free in the car, sit on your lap, or ride shotgun with their head out the window the whole way, but these practices are dangerous for everyone. Your dog is going to be a big distraction to you, and they'll have a much higher risk of being injured or injuring you in the event of an accident or an abrupt turn or stop.

Properly securing your pet in a dog car seat, a car harness for dogs, or even a dog travel crate will keep everyone much safer and reduce the risk of distracted driving. Choose the car safety gear that best suits your dog's size and behaviour.

  Do Roll Up The Windows

Your dog probably wants nothing more than to stick his head out the window and let their ears flap in the wind, but keeping your window rolled down too far could lead to your dog jumping out of your car. Keep windows rolled up enough that your dog can't fit through them, or keep your dog in an area of the car that doesn't allow them to reach a window.

It's also a good idea to turn on those child locks. Dogs can accidentally roll down the window by pressing the switch with their paws. If this happens while you are driving, they could fall or jump out the window.

  Do Keep Them Hydrated

Whether your dog is stressed or not, whether it's a hot day or not, having a supply of fresh clean water available to your dog in the car will help keep them hydrated, and keep them feeling cooler.

If you are travelling with friends or family, a portable travel bowl and water bottle can be offered throughout the journey, but if you are the lone human on this trip, then invest in a no-spill dog bowl that your dog can access as needed. Just make sure to refill it at each rest stop.

  Do Provide Shade

Have you ever gotten a sunburn in the car? Dogs can too. Your windshield provides you with some protection from UV rays, but your other windows probably don't. No matter how high you crank that AC, or how comfortable you think the car is, the sun could still be beating down right on your dog.

This means that your dog could be baking in the sun for your whole drive. Window guards or shades that help block the sun can help keep your dog cool and prevent dog sunburns.

Don't Smoke

Don't smoke with your pet in the car. Smoking in your vehicle with your pet increases how much smoke they are breathing in. This includes cigarettes, vapes, and cigars. Stick to smoking on your pit stops outside of the car and away from your dog if you must.

Don't Blast Your Music

Your dog's ears are much more sensitive than yours. You may love rocking out to some tunes at max volume when you are driving, but this could be painfully loud for your dog. Keep the volume low to prevent stressing out your dog. If your dog is nervous in the car, try putting on a playlist of soothing dog music.

Don't Overcrowd Your Dog

Keep your luggage in a separate area of the car from your dog. You don't want him to feel crowded or trapped in a car that is loaded to the brim with stuff. Additionally, you risk your dog getting into the luggage if he smells something he thinks could be food. Products like perfumes, sunscreen, and makeup could also smell like an appetizing snack to a curious dog.

The overcrowding goes for people too. If you already have a car full of humans, your dog may not feel he has enough space to relax and get comfortable. Your dog should have his own seat or area in the car, and we don't mean on someone's lap.


5 Tips for a Successful Road Trip with Your Dog

Keeping your dog is safe in the car is only one-half of the road trip with dogs formula. Depending on how long the road trip is, you may need to plan for pit stops, meals, accommodations, and even emergencies along your route. This is all stuff that needs to be considered and prepared before you leave on your doggy road trip.

1. Exercise Before you Leave

Take your dog for a walk, play a game of fetch, or let them run wild in the backyard for a bit before the road trip to not only help tucker them out and keep them calm on the drive, but also encourage a bathroom break to prevent an accident in the car.

It's also a good idea to encourage some exercise at each rest stop and when you arrive at your destination. Letting your dog move around after sitting or laying for hours will help reduce discomfort or stiffness at the end of your long journey.

2. Plan Bathroom Breaks Frequently

Frequent bathroom breaks are key to a successful road trip with dogs!  You may be able to go hundreds of km between stops, but planning for regular pit stops along your drive will be good for your dog.

Not only do they allow your dog to answer the call of nature, but they also provide valuable entertainment. Letting your dog get out to go to the bathroom helps relieve anxiety and stress and keeps your pup healthy and happy.  

Make sure you practice “leave no trace behind” when you travel.  Be sure to bring a pooper scooper and bags so you can easily clean up after your dog. And, of course, make sure you keep your dog safe by keeping him on a leash whenever he is not secured in the vehicle, so he can't accidentally escape.

3. Prevent Overheating

Most road trips happen during the spring and summer months, so warm weather may be a factor in your dog’s safety. Air conditioning in your car, or a nice breeze will typically keep your car at a comfortable and safe temp while you are driving, but what about when you make pit stops?

Even a quick trip to the bathroom or to fetch a speedy meal can leave your car and your pooch baking in the hot sun. Even just a few minutes on a hot summer day can put your dog in danger. Check out our car temp chart below to see how dangerous it is to leave your dog locked in a hot car.


When possible, avoid leaving your dog alone in the car. When travelling with passengers, take turns at bathroom breaks, so someone can stay with the dog. It may be unavoidable if you are travelling alone with your dog, but you should take every possible measure available to you to keep your dog safe.

Stick to drive-throughs for as many of your food stops as possible, or opt for outdoor seating areas and patios that allow dogs. Leave your car on with the AC running (locked, of course), as a last resort, if you have no other option.

Remember that if you are too hot, then so is your dog. Proper hydration and air circulation in hot weather are key to keeping your pet comfortable and safe.

Read How to Prevent Dog Overheating to learn more about the risks of letting your dog get too hot.

4. Keep Your Dog Safe Outside the Car Too

Keeping your dog safe and sound during a long trip is obviously a very important part of your vacation. There’s nothing scarier for a pet owner than losing your favourite furry friend far from home. 

Your dog should be securely leashed and close to you at all times outside of the vehicle. Harnesses can be a helpful tool to secure and direct your dog in stressful situations. 

If your dog does manage to be separated from you or your family on your trip, you can make it easier to reunite with your pup by making sure she or he can be easily identified and returned to you.

    • Keep a recent picture of your dog with you, as well as identifying records, health records, and vaccinations.  
    • Consider (before your trip!) getting a permanent identification form, such as a microchip.  Microchips allow the good samaritan who finds your dog to bring your dog to any vet to get scanned for contact information.
    • Make sure your dog has a sturdy harness or collar and leash.  Having personalized dog ID tags on the collar is key! Information should include your current contact information and a backup contact just in case you can't be reached.

5. Be Prepared for Emergencies

Emergencies are part of life. While it can be scary to think about, planning ahead is key. Being prepared for an emergency means your dog will have the best access to medical care, should the need arise. Follow these tips to keep your dog safe: 

    • First Aid Supplies: Pet first aid kits are something you should always have handy. Being able to treat minor wounds and scrapes is handy, but you never know when you might need to deal with an emergency medical situation. 
    • Health Check: Take your dog for a check-up at the vet before you go on an extended trip. Make sure vaccinations are current, and take copies of shot records with you. Health certifications for your dog are required by law for things like airline travel or crossing the border. 
    • Meds and Supplements: Don’t forget bottled water and medication.  Depending on where you’re going, tap water may not be as readily available or safe to drink.  Make sure you bring any medication or supplements that your dog needs. 
    • Emergency Vets: Find the number of the nearest 24-hour veterinary emergency hospital at your destination and any overnight stops along the way and save it into your cell phone contact list.  Make sure you also keep the contact information of your current veterinarian in your phone so you can reach him or her in case of emergency. This is especially important if the emergency vet has questions about your dog’s health. 

If you are going to be travelling quite a distance, it makes sense to be safe instead of sorry! You may want to consider researching emergency hospitals across your route so you can make sure your pup always has access to medical care.

While this may seem overboard, it’s better to have it planned and out of the way than something happening and not knowing what to do!  You’ll rest easier and enjoy your vacation knowing your furry friend will be safe and well taken care of! 


The Best Dog Car Safety Gear

When it comes to keeping your dog safe in the car, the right gear can make all the difference. Whether you are travelling with pets across the country or just a quick trip to your dog's favourite pet store, the right car gear for dogs can ensure the drive will be as safe and as comfortable as possible.

Different dogs need different dog styles of car gear. A dog car seat is a popular choice for smaller dogs, while larger breeds can benefit from dog car harnesses, a dog travel crate, or a back seat car barrier to contain your dog in one area of the vehicle.

The style of car gear you choose will depend on the type of vehicle, the size of your pooch, and where in the car you want your dog to be secured. Here are the simplest and most effective car safety accessories for dogs:

    • Dog car seats
    • Dog car harnesses
    • Dog seatbelts
    • Dog Backseat Barriers
    • Dog Car Seat Covers

Using just one, or even a combination of car accessories for your dog can help to make travelling with pets in Canada a lot safer, reduce distractions while driving, and teach your dog good manners and habits in the car.

Here are some of our favourite car travel gear for dogs:

Best Dog Car Seats

For smaller dogs, a designated car seat is an excellent way to keep them safe, and can also make car travel more enjoyable for them. Getting a dog car seat has a ton of benefits:

    • A dog car seat protects your dog by keeping him in place in the event of a turn or stop, but it also keeps you more focused on the road instead of trying to control your pup. 
    • Dog car seats can help entertain your dog. They raise your vertically challenged dog up so they can see out the windows while safely keeping them inside the car. If your dog can’t see where you are going, it could lead to anxiety and restlessness during the trip. 
    • Your dog will be more comfortable. Dog car seats are both a secure spot and a comfortable bed. The high sides and cushioned base offer your dog a comfortable place to relax on long car rides.
    • Dog car seat keep your dog in his spot. In addition to having their own space in the car, the car seat should also have a short strap that can attach to your dog's harness to keep them from jumping or falling out of the car seat while the car is in motion.
    • Car seats protect your car’s seats and upholstery.  Muddy paw prints, car sickness, and more can do a ton of damage to your car’s upholstery.  Doggie car seats help protect your car and are super easy to clean!

There are several styles of elevated booster seats for dogs, ranging from inflatable to padded to hanging car seats. The style you choose may depend on just how small your dog is and how high you want to elevate them.

Check out the best dog car seat available at Homes Alive Pets:

Kurgo Skybox Rear Booster Seat

The Kurgo Skybox Rear Booster Seat is perfect for any furry friend under 30 lbs. The booster seat gives your dog a padded, comfortable seat. Safety is key with this booster seat- it attaches to your pup’s harness, ensuring that he or she is safe and sound in the booster seat. 

Plus, cleaning up is a breeze! The stain-resistant, waterproof seat is super easy to take care of and helps keep your car from getting dirty, even if your pup is playing in the water or the mud. 

Most car seats are designed to fit the front seat or a pilot seat in the back, but this car seat is fitted for a regular bench-style seat. The Kurgo Skybox Rear Dog Car Seat is perfect for smaller dogs.  

It’s super comfortable with low walls and a cozy padded interior. Dogs are able to see their surroundings and out the car windows while in their seat, making it perfect for long and short trips alike.  


Best Back Seat Barriers for Dogs

Is your dog too big for a dog car seat? There are other products that help keep your dog comfortable during car rides! There are several variations of back seat gear that will provide many of the same benefits as a car seat.

Barriers can be used to keep your pet from jumping to the front seat. Not only can your dog be a distraction while driving, but the front seat can also be a more dangerous place to be in the event of a collision. 

This gear has many options, but they all have similar benefits:

    • A dog car barrier keeps your dog safer. Keeping your dog in the back seat can keep him safer in the event of an accident and also keep them out of your hair, so you aren’t the cause of one. 
    • Your dog will feel more secure.  A dog car seat helps your dog feel more secure.  Dogs can get anxious in cars and start pacing, whining and panting.  A car barrier keeps your dog in one area of the car, helping her feel calmer and more likely to stay that way.
    • A dog car seat reduces motion sickness.  Plenty of pups get motion sickness, especially from long car rides. Keeping the sequestered to one area of the car encourages them to stay calm and may prevent motion sickness.
    • Car seat barriers limit the mess. Never-ending shed, car sickness, and more can do a ton of damage to your car’s upholstery.  Car seat barriers will keep the mess in one area, making it easier to clean!

Back seat barriers for dogs come in plenty of shapes and sizes, giving you plenty of options to best match your vehicle and your dog. Check our favourite car barriers for dogs.

Kurgo Backseat Barrier

If your dog insists on being in the front seat with you, then the Kurgo Backseat Barrier is the gear for you. It forms a barrier between the front seats, keeping your dog out of your way. Top and bottom mesh screens allow your dog to see without being able to touch and allow for proper airflow between the front and back seats. 

Kurgo Backseat Bridge

The Kurgo Back Seat Bridge keeps your dog safe while providing her with extra space.  Filling in the gap between the front and backseat allows your pup to be more comfortable without falling into the leg space. 

The fold-up centre barrier ensures that your dog stays in the backseat. While cuddles are nice, they don’t have any place while you’re in the driver’s seat.  The Back Seat Bridge keeps both you and your pup safe, happy, and comfortable. 

Bonus: The Back Seat Bridge is waterproof and great for after a messy adventure, so you can let your dog have fun without worrying about damaging your upholstery. 


Kurgo Heather Half Dog Hammock

The hammock is the ideal solution for big dogs that need to be encouraged to stay put. The Kurgo Half Hammock allows you to keep your dog on one side of the back seat while protecting your car from fur, dirt, and other messes. 

Though it’s available in a full backseat size, this hammock allows you to keep a seat free for other passengers or luggage and can be beneficial for dogs that need a little sensory deprivation to prevent motion sickness. 


Best Dog Car Harnesses

If you only pick one car safety tool for your dog, then we highly recommend it be a car harness. Even dogs that are calm and stationary in the car should have this protective gear. 

No matter how safe you are, accidents can happen anytime, and a durable and tested car safety harness could be the difference between life and death. It’s like a seatbelt for your dog. It is better to have and never need than to need and not have. 

Car harnesses have many benefits:

    • They protect your dog in the event of a crash. Almost any harness can be used in the car with the right gear, but only crash-tested dog car harnesses will truly provide protection in an emergency situation. 
    • Keep your dog in one place. Car harnesses allow minimal movement keeping your dog in his seat. The seat belt allows enough movement to stand, sit, and lie but not enough to leave the chair. 
    • It makes for versatile travel gear. Most car harnesses are fundamentally still a harness. These are great for travel because you can use the same harness for the road trip as you do for your other vacation activities with your dog. 
    • Compatible with other car travel accessories. The best reason for using a car harness is that it can and should be used with any of the car travel gear we mentioned above.

No one wants to think about the possibility of getting into a car accident, but even a minor fender bender or a sudden stop could lead to injury for your dog if they aren’t properly and safely secured. 

Kurgo Impact Dog Car Harness

The Kurgo Impact Harness is the most durable dog car harness on the market. This harness is made from strong tubular webbing with 4000 lbs of tensile strength and steel-reinforced nesting connections to safely secure dogs up to 130 lbs.

The harness attaches directly to your car’s seat belt system, ensuring effective response time to sudden stops and accidents. 

RC Pets Moto Control Harness

This multi-purpose dog harness is the perfect accessory for dogs on the go. The RC Pets Moto Control Harness works as a secure and comfortable dog walking harness but can also be used to secure your pet in the car. 

The built-in safety loop makes it easy to attach your dog's harness to your seatbelt, keeping them in their seat and providing support if you need to brake suddenly. The mesh chest plate is breathable and soft and helps to spread out the pressure of your dog pulling on the harness.


Best Dog Seat Belts

While car safety harnesses are useful, you might already have a durable and safe harness that you use for walking or hiking. Instead of buying a separate harness just for the car, try a dog car seatbelt.

These handy tools will either attach your dog's harness directly to the seatbelt buckle or allow the seatbelt to slide through a secure loop on the harness. 

Benefits of dog seat belts:

    • No need for multiple harnesses - use it with any harness you have
    • Easy to use and not cumbersome
    • Helps to keep your dog in his seat and prevents driving distractions
    • Leave it in the car so it's always available when you need it

Kurgo Seat Belt Tethers

If you prefer to stick with your dog’s current harness, you can use a seat belt tether to hook your dog up to the seat belts in your car. Though your regular harness isn’t crash-tested, it may still provide some protection. It will also help keep your dog in one area of your car, preventing distractions for you. 

Here are a few of the best seat belt tethers for dogs:


Best Dog Car Crates

Sometimes dogs are just too eager, excited, or nervous to use the standard car travel gear, so crating them might be the safest option. This isn’t the perfect solution for every pet. Small cars and big crates don’t often mix well, so this may not be an option available to you. 

Alternatively, if your dog has never been crate trained, travelling by crate might cause anxiety. If you think this is the best solution for your road trip, then take some time before you leave to get your dog used to and comfortable with the crate. 

Precision Pro Value Dog Crates

These wire crates are ideal for keeping dogs of any size safe in the car. They provide your dog with a secure and comfortable place to relax and prevent them from becoming a distraction to the driver. 

It's easy to secure the crate in place using your vehicle's seatbelts to prevent the crate from moving or shifting. Bring along a soft blanket or crate mat to make your dog's car travel experience cozy and relaxing. 


Check out Crate Training for Puppies to find out how to slowly and safely crate training your dog. You want the crate to be a positive and comfortable place, especially if they are going to be travelling in the crate for long periods of time. 


Dog Road Trip Checklist

A road trip with your dog will be safer and more fun if you pack accordingly. If your drive takes you long distances, then you may find it hard to restock your supplies, especially your dog’s supplies, so it’s important to pack thoroughly for the journey.

Here’s a quick road trip checklist to help you pack:

Dog Food 

Some dog food is easier to travel with than others, so make sure you have a plan for how to keep your dog fed and healthy no matter how long your trip is. Properly stored kibble or canned food is shelf stable, but if you are a raw dog food feeder, you may want to get your dog used to a similar freeze-dried diet that can be easily made to order. 

Fresh Water 

Fresh clean water shouldn’t be scarce on your road trip, but it’s a good idea to bring along a few extra bottles for your dog, just in case.

Dog Bed or Blanket

If your dog is too big for a nice cozy dog car seat, then it's a good idea to pack along a lightweight dog travel bed or a soft blanket for them to lay on in the car. You don't need anything too bulky, just something to encourage them to lie down, relax, and maybe even have a nap.

Dog Car Seat Covers

Dogs can be messy. They shed, they drool, and they track in dirt and mud. A long road trip means lots of stops and lots of opportunities for your dog to track in the dirt. Keep your car clean and damage-free with the best dog car seat covers and protectors like Molly Mutt Hammock Seat Covers.

If your dog likes to gaze out the window and take in the scenery, then the Kurgo Car Door Guard is just what you need to protect your car doors from claws, noses, teeth, and fur.

Travel bowls 

There are a ton of travel-friendly bowls on the market, like the Kurgo Collapsible Bowl.  Having a travel-friendly bowl means your pup can enjoy convenient water and feeding breaks.  It easily collapses and stores away when finished, making travel a breeze! If you prefer they have water available in the car, try a no-spill bowl like the Kurgo Splash Free Wander Dog Bowl.


Towels can be used to dry or clean your dog or can act as a water-absorbent bed for your car. You can bring a few towels from home, but we have some better options. BRB HydroPet Towels are the perfect travel accessory because they are both super absorbent and quick drying. Tall Tails waterwoof mat is the ideal material to protect your cat from a wet or dirty dog.

Cleaning supplies 

Accidents happen, and we don’t mean car accidents. Nervous dogs may have accidents in the car, get motion sick and throw up, or might even get wet or dirty on a pitstop. Pet-safe cleaning supplies will help you keep your car and your pet clean.

Poop Bags 

You will need to stop for bathroom breaks, and so will your dog. Make sure you have enough poop bags to clean up after your dog along the way.


Long road trips can be tough on dogs, so you may want to have some small, light dog treats to reward and reinforce good behaviours. Be cautious of overtreating though. Dogs who get car sick or are anxious in the car may end up barfing if they have a belly full of snacks.


Make sure you have a good leash (or two), so you can safely let your dog out for a walk and bathroom break at each pit stop. The last thing you want is for your dog to get lost in unfamiliar territory.

Collar and ID tag 

Though a harness is the best way to keep your dog secured in the car, a collar should always be worn so that your dog can carry his ID tags. Special travel ID is a good idea so that if your dog does make a break for it, he can be safely returned to you no matter where you are. Government IDs, like licenses and vaccine tags, should be worn too.


If your road trip is going to lead you to some awesome outdoor adventures like camping or hikes, then you may want to check out our full Guide for Hiking and Camping with Your Dog.


Planning Your Dog-Friendly Road Trip 

Travelling with pets in Canada is easy when you plan ahead. It's important to plan out your trip with your dog's safety and comfort in mind.  Choose the best dog car accessories and safety gear, bring lots of water and food, plan for exercise and breaks, and prepare yourself for an adventure.

Just remember to:

    • practice car rides before your road trip
    • exercise and feed your dog well before you leave
    • secure your dog in the car, preferably with a seat belt or car seat
    • take frequent stops for bathroom breaks and exercise
    • make sure you book pet-friendly accommodations in advance
    • make sure your dog is wearing ID at all times
    • pack all the supplies you will need or plan a route with access to local pet stores

With these tips and a little planning, you and your dog can enjoy yourselves on your next adventure or vacation. Travelling with pets can be stressful, but usually, a calm and prepared owner means a calm and comfortable dog.

The Highway Effect

Your dog may seem anxious at first. Whining, barking, pacing, refusing to settle. This can be a frustrating way to start your long journey, but for many dogs, the nerves and excitement start to fade once you get on the highway.

The constant speed of the open road often has a lulling effect on dogs (and kids), and they will likely start to relax, lay down, and get comfortable. Try to be patient and allow your dog to self-soothe. Once they learn this skill, the rest of your journey will be much smoother.