Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs? Benefits & Safety of Raw Eggs for dogs

6 Minute Read
Updated March 23, 2023

How does your dog like his eggs? Scrambled? Over-easy? Chances are he's not picky about how his eggs are cooked, but what about raw? Can dogs eat raw eggs?

Eggs-traodinary Benefits: Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

Dogs eat eggs in the wild on occasion. Offering your dog raw eggs is acceptable. Wolves have eaten raw eggs for generations.

An egg is one of nature's perfect protein sources and is full of amino acids and fatty acids that are extremely good for your dog's skin and coat. They also provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Riboflavin, Folate, Iron, and Selenium, making raw eggs for dogs a superfood source and a great additive to your dog's diet.

In fact, eggs are already used in many commercial dog foods, like NutramBlue Buffalo, and Carna4.


Are Raw Eggs Good? Eggs-posing Common Egg Myths

Are raw eggs safe for dogs? Yes, eggs are healthy for dogs both raw and cooked. In fact, they are rich in nutrients and can promote healthy skin and strong bones. Unlike some human foods, eggs are a great way to promote your dog's health as long as you don't feed too many eggs.

Myths about feeding raw eggs to dogs:

Myth # 1

We are told not to let dogs eat raw eggs due to the risk of salmonella, which is partially true. Salmonella is commonly found in raw eggs, but it's also important to keep in mind that dogs are capable of processing more bacteria than us, so the actual risk is quite low.

Dogs are scavenging carnivores, and it's their carnivorous digestive system that allows them to safely eat raw foods, like meat, bones, and eggs. The highly acidic environment of their stomachs and bile content prevents harmful bacteria, like salmonella, from populating your dog's digestive system. 

Though some recommend avoiding raw food such as eggs because of the bacteria risks, anyone who has fed raw will know that high-quality ingredients and proper storage and handling will minimize the risk of any adverse effects. 

That being said, dogs that are sick or immune-compromised should be more cautious. Fortunately, cooked eggs are also a very nutritious option.  

Myth # 2

Another misconception is that egg whites contain a biotin (vitamin B7) inhibitor called Avidin.

While this is true, the yolks contain very high levels of biotin that balance out the Avidin effects in the whites. As long as they are fed together, the risk of biotin deficiency is almost non-existent.

You would have to feed your dog an absurd amount of eggs to provide enough Avidin to have harmful effects on your dog's biotin intake. As long as eggs are fed in moderation, your dog will get adequate amounts of biotin. 

Additionally, you can choose egg options with an even greater yolk-to-white ratio, like quail eggs. These small eggs are great meal toppers and are suitable for both dogs and cats. The softer shells make them easy to feed whole or even frozen to complement any raw diet.


How Egg-actly to Feed Raw Eggs to Dogs

raw-scrambled-eggs (1)

The nice thing about eggs is that they are so versatile. The simplest way to feed is to crack an egg over your dog's regular meals to add some additional nutrients and a burst of flavour. For smaller dogs, a whole chicken egg may be a lot, so spread one egg out over 2-3 days, once per week. Or try a smaller egg like quail eggs instead.

Eggs can also be fed as a side dish or treat separately from meals. You can choose to feed eggs whole, cracked, or scrambled. Whatever works best for you and your pooch. 

Here are a few tips for feeding raw eggs safely:

    • Feed only eggs from healthy poultry (healthy poultry produce healthy eggs). Chicken, duck and quail are the most common.
    • Store eggs in the refrigerator when adding to your dog's meals. They can also be frozen to prolong shelf life.
    • Whole eggs are better than just egg whites. The yolk is highly nutritious and will counteract avidin in egg whites.
    • Handle raw foods with caution to prevent bacterial infection. Just like any other raw food, humans are susceptible to bacteria in raw meat and eggs.
    • If you have concerns about bacteria or if your dog is ill or immuno-compromised, don't hesitate to cook the eggs. Scrambled, poached, sunny side up. However, your dog likes them so long as they are unseasoned and not cooked with oil.


How Many Eggs Should I Feed My Dog?

Depending on the size of your dog and his caloric needs, feeding eggs 2-3 times per week is suitable for most dogs. Just make sure you count the eggs as part of your dog's daily calorie intake. There are about 55-75 calories in one large chicken egg. You may need to adjust meal size for smaller breeds and dogs on limited-calorie diets.

Most medium to large breed dogs can handle 2-3 eggs per week, while 1 egg will be plenty for a small breed. To better control calorie intake without having to make significant adjustments to your dog's regular meals, smaller eggs, like quail eggs may be more suitable.


Are Eggshells Really What They're Cracked Up to Be?


After you crack the egg, don't throw the shell away. Allow your dog to eat that, too! Eggshells add a nutritional boost that is pretty amazing.

Eggshells have calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as other nutritious minerals that are good for bone health, muscle strength, healthy teeth, and gums. Dogs eat eggshells happily.

For larger dog breeds, you can give the whole egg and allow them to open it themselves. Most dogs consider this a special treat.


To Cook or Not Cook

As many dog owners know, cooking can destroy or denature nutrients, making it harder to digest and more difficult for your dog's body to absorb the nutrients. While this is true, the nutrient loss when cooking eggs is minimal, because eggs are already one fo the easiest to digest complete protein sources for dogs.

If you aren't convinced that raw eggs are safe for your pooch, then lightly scramble the eggs. Even if the cooking process slightly reduces the overall nutrition, scrambled dog eggs still offer protein, fatty acids, and plenty of flavour to your dog's meal.


Frequently Asked Questions About Raw Eggs for Dogs


Are eggs good for dogs? 

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein for dogs. They are easy to digest and offer a complete range of essential amino acids for dogs. Dogs love egg yolks - cooked or raw - so feed the entire egg, including egg shells.

Can my dog eat egg raw?

You might be concerned about the safety of feeding raw eggs. Much like consuming raw meat, dogs are equipped to handle bacteria like salmonella better than humans. This means that there is a very low risk of dogs getting sick from eating properly stored and handled raw eggs.

Is it OK to add raw eggs to my dog's food?

Adding raw eggs directly to your dog's meals is the easiest way to feed them. Simple crack and stir. 

Can I give my dog a raw egg every day?

Adding eggs to your dog's diet can be a healthy treat, but make sure that you are not throwing off the balance of the diet by adding an egg to an already complete diet too often. Feeding raw eggs a couple of times a week is more than sufficient to boost your pet's nutrition. Eggs also do not contain too many calories.

Is it better to feed raw eggs or cooked eggs?

Either is fine. Cooked and raw eggs offer very similar nutrient profiles, so it comes down to a matter of preference. If you feed a raw diet, you may prefer to feed raw eggs, but cooked eggs can also be used as a meal topper.

Written by

Krystn Janisse

Krystn is a passionate pet nutrition enthusiast. She has worked in the pet industry for over a decade and loves to share her passion for animal welfare with others. She is currently working for one very rebellious cat, Jack, and hanging out with a goofy but loveable doggo named Roxy.


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